Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 Serial Number Lookup

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Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 Serial Number Lookup 9,4/10 2127 reviews

This is my Holland Gun Show find today. It is a standard Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 pre-1968 as there is no Serial Number in the usual place below the roll mark. Model 572 ™ Pump Action Rimfire Rifle. In 1816 Eliphalet Remington was confident he could make a flintlock that was as good or better than any he could buy. His confidence was well founded. The barrel he handcrafted set a new standard for firearm accuracy and spawned generations of products that have made Remington® Arms.

Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 Serial Number Lookup

Remington Fieldmaster 572 Value

Remington Owners,
Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington rifle [or shotgun] on the left side, just forward of the receiver; the first letter of the Code is the month of manufacture, followed by one or two letters which are the year of manufacture. For shotguns with removeable barrels, the code will be valid for the manufacture of the barrel; maybe for the receiver, as barrels do get switched around.
According to the 'Blue Book of Gun Values', the coding continues as follows:
Month Codes: [first letter]
B - L - A - C - K - P - O - W - D - E - R - X
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
Year:______Code: [second (and third*) letters]
1930_______ Y
1931_______ Z
1932_______ A
1933_______ B
1934_______ C
1935_______ D
1936_______ E
1937_______ F
1938_______ G
1939_______ H
1940_______ J
1941_______ K
1942_______ L
1943_______ MMZ
1944_______ NN
1945_______ PP
1946_______ RR
1947_______ SS
1948_______ TT
1949_______ UU
1950_______ WW
1951_______ XX
1952_______ YY
1953_______ ZZ
1954_______ A
1955_______ B
1956_______ C
1957_______ D
1958_______ E
1959_______ F
1960_______ G
1961_______ H
1962_______ J
1963_______ K
1964_______ L
1965_______ M
1966_______ N
1967_______ P
1968_______ R
1969_______ S
1970_______ T
1971_______ U
1972_______ W
1973_______ X
1974_______ Y
1975_______ Z
1976_______ I
1977_______ O
1978_______ Q
1979_______ V
1980_______ A
1981_______ B
1982_______ C
1983_______ D
1984_______ E
1985_______ F
1986_______ G
1987_______ H
1988_______ I
1989_______ J
1990_______ K
1991_______ L
1992_______ M
1993_______ N
1994_______ O
1995_______ P
1996_______ Q
1997_______ R
1998_______ S
1999_______ T
2000_______ U
2001_______ W
2002_______ X
* the years 1943 though 1953 had double letters: ie, MM = 1943
As maybe seen, the year code letters duplicate; some knowledge of when the model was introduced should resolve the actual year of manufacture.
Remington owners: COPY this table to your Hard Drive......! !
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