Cara Install Windows 7 Di Laptop Acer

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Secara umum, file windows yang akan kita format dan kita install ulang berada di local disk C yang berkapasitas kurang lebih 100 GB, dan data2 kita terletak di Local Disk D, atau E, dan seterusnya, jadi kita hanya perlu masuk ke windows 7, dan buka disk C, kira2 isi file nya seperti ini. Install Windows7 on to a Acer Netbook From a USB Flash Drive. By rjwarpath. Today i have install window 7 ultimate on acer aspire e1 511 linux base laptop. Langkah 8, Penginstallan Windows 7 di Netbook Acer atau Notebook Acer Setelah sukses di setting BIOS kemudian restart dan lakukan boot pada flashdisk anda tadi. Nantinya akan terdapat 2 partisi dan abaikan pada OEM partion1, yang Partion2 lah yang akan diisi windows installan.

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Knowing how to boot from your laptop's disc drive is essential. Hard drive crashes and viruses can put your company's data at risk, and various programs designed to rescue files or remove malware are supplied on bootable CDs. Your Acer laptop can boot from numerous devices, including the optical drive and USB flash drives. You can control which components the laptop boots from via the basic input/output system, or BIOS, a setup program accessible from the boot screen.


Restart or turn on the Acer laptop. Insert the CD with your rescue software into the disc drive and press 'F2' when the Acer logo appears.


Press 'Ctrl-Alt-Del' to restart the laptop if the setup program fails to load, or press and hold the power button for at least 10 seconds to turn off the laptop.


Cara Install Windows 7 Di Laptop Acer

Use the directional pad to select the 'Boot' tab. Select the optical drive from the list of bootable devices.


Press 'F6' until the disc drive is the first device in the list. Select the 'Exit' tab.


Scroll to 'Exit Saving Changes' and press 'Enter' to save and exit the BIOS. The computer will restart and boot from the CD.


  • Select 'USB CDROM' from the list if you are attempting to boot the Acer laptop from an external CD drive.

References (1)

About the Author

Ruri Ranbe has been working as a writer since 2008. She received an A.A. in English literature from Valencia College and is completing a B.S. in computer science at the University of Central Florida. Ranbe also has more than six years of professional information-technology experience, specializing in computer architecture, operating systems, networking, server administration, virtualization and Web design.

Photo Credits

  • Hemera Technologies/ Images
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Acer Windows 7 Laptop Computers

Ranbe, Ruri. 'How to Make an Acer Laptop Boot From CD.' Small Business -, Accessed 20 May 2019.
Ranbe, Ruri. (n.d.). How to Make an Acer Laptop Boot From CD. Small Business - Retrieved from
Ranbe, Ruri. 'How to Make an Acer Laptop Boot From CD' accessed May 20, 2019.
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I was planning to reinstall Windows 8.1 on my laptop. I did by using a usb flash drive by using the legacy bios boot mode because it will not boot from it on uefi. It Installed perfectly but every time it started up it will be in legacy bios. 2 days after I tried to start it up by came up with the message os not found. I have tried f2,f8, f10 and f12 neither have worked. I cannot access recovery. I hope their is a solution to this as soon as possible because I need my computer back by next week

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Cara Install Windows 7 Ultimate

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My accer aspire IV5 is not entering bios, it only display operating system not found when trying to enter the bios

Mine after update to Windows 10 I have this problems f12,f10,f2,del can't enter bios .second update give a few seconds the blue screen appear ,can't restore to win8 removed bios battery to reset bios settings to reinstall Windows ,now operating system not found .need help very badly .is there anyway to get to the bios .

can u please tell how to short g2101 for clearing cmos

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